To say that this animal cruelty sickens me is to put it mildly. Why does so much about Judaism have to be about cruelty? And whats their fetish about the draining of blood? We see it again and again with these people:
For example:
- Their 'Chicken Twirling' ritual ends with the slitting of the live chickens throat, and then it bleeds to death.
- Kosher meat preparation involves as we see in that video the slitting of the live animals throat and the draining of blood, as the animal thrashes about terrified and helpless, until it finally bleeds to death.
- The accusation of 'Jewish Ritual Murder' leveled against Jews in gentile nation after gentile nation down through the milllenia also involves the draining of blood from the gentile child's body- and in the case of male gentile victims, the child is also often found to have been circumcized. This fetish that Jews have toward exsanguination makes you think theres something to this horrific accusation. The Jews themselves have labelled this accusation "blood libel." Is not the anti-gentile slur "goyim" a word that means both "animal" and "non-Jew"? If Jews equate gentiles with animals, and they practice this particlar cruelty on animals... Well, you know the point I'm making...
Firstly, can't they at least stun the animal with a bolt to the head, as is done in non-kosher slaughterhouses? Perhaps they feel this will often kill the animal instantly, and so the heart will stop pumping the blood out, once its throat has been slit, and so will lead to a loss of efficiency. Perhaps. But what is with this fetish for exsanguination everywhere you turn in the teachings and practices of this bizarre religion? Jews need to get out of the 3rd century BC and drop all this cruelty and blood sacrific to their tribal racial god. Why would god want people doing this? Theres no health benefit to eating kosher. None. Zippo. Why would an all powerful god be in favor of such cruelty to animals?
And secondly, note the obvious fraud the Jews at this slaughterhouse perpetrated during the orchestrated "tour" put on for the benefit of the local media. Jews are all too aware of how filthy their practices are, and so they are perpetually engaged in lies and manipulation to keep the gentile sheep ignorant of their true nature. As you'll see in the video and in the article on the page linked below, there is a cruel "second cut" made to the bovine's throat, one assumes to widen the slit and to allow the more efficient exsanguination of the blood from the doomed creature's body. This grisly "second cut" is made in the hidden camera footage, but was omited when the tour group was being led through the slaughterhouse. Personally I think the first cut is plenty cruel enough, but I'm glad to see the good people who took this hidden camera footage and who wrote the accompanying article pointed out this obvious attempt at deception.
To be sure, Talmudic Judaism is a religion of cruelty, both in it's teachings and practices.
PETA hidden camera exposé costs Agriprocessors support of key expert
For those who haven't familiarized themselves with the aforementioned and amusingly idiotic 'Chicken Twirling' religious ritual performed by orthodox Jews, heres the link to a previous post on the subject:
And for those who have not been educated on the millenia old accusation of 'Jewish Ritual Murder,' here is the link to a previous post:
As always, I urge you to examine the information provided, and make up your own mind about it.
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