Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gene Simmons of KISS: "Thats what gentiles are for (to do the dirty work)"

Watch this video, to learn of the hypocrisy so rampant in the Jewish community vis-a-vie the gentile community. Old Gene Simmons of the '70s rock band KISS must need some attention, so he reaches for the sure fire way to get some cameras pointed in his direction in any meaningful way- he drags out his very own sob-story about the Holohoax. Poor Gene, old washed up loser that he is, so sad that he has to reach for that. This is his way of "jumping the shark" at the end of his career. So sad.

As you'll see in the video linked below, he goes on to also give a boilerplate testimonial about tolerance and compassion toward all peoples of the world, to give it a contemporary relevance and a kind of summation to the whole story. Thats the facade he puts up for his gentile audience. But watch this video until the very end, when old man Simmons' real feelings towards gentiles is made known to his son, as his way of passing on his bigorty to the next generation of Jews.

In addition, he speaks about his mother in the video, describing how she had been sent by the Germans to a concentraion camp during the war, and that she had witnessed her family "murdered in front of her eyes." This is of course boilerplate guilt mongering, and its typical fare on TV nowadays. However, interestingly, see below an excerpt from Gene Simons' own autobiography "Kiss and Make Up" on page 19, (Copyright 2001. The Gene Simmons Company). In this book he tells another story about his mother, and that is of his mother attacking a Palestinian woman and beating her perhaps to death in Israel. His mother did this because Gene had stolen some figs from the Palestinian woman's tree and the Palestinian woman had consequently hit Gene with a banana stalk. Gene's mother then sought revenge. Gene explains:
By the time my mother got through with this woman, I was just amazed, because I'd never seen blood literally spray out of a person's head like a sprinkler system. It was just spouting out. It looked almost comical. There was blood everywhere.
Furthermore, in this video, Gene makes the idiotic statement about the Holocaust that "they don't teach it in schools." WTF? Is he nuts?  Has all that grease paint he slathered on his face over the years gone to his brain? What school in this country does not teach this, to the point of excess? Indeed to the point of "crowding out" other topics worthy of study?

How many schools teach about the tens of millions of white Christians murdered by the Soviets? Huh, Gene?  How many schools teach about that? I'd be surprised if one high school in this nation has ever even mentioned this mass murder.

How many schools teach about the Soviet government's orchestrated famine in the Ukraine, which killed millions of Ukrainians? How many schools teach about that, huh Gene?

How many schools teach about the Armenian genocide, Gene, and the 1 to 2 million Armenian Christians murdered by the Turks?  Huh, Gene? How many schools even ever mention that? Huh, oh long tongued freak?

Can you hear me Gene? Or are you deaf from all that shit caveman rock music you've been cranking out all these years, to sell to impressionable young gentile males? The same gentile males you so degrade in front of your own son?

No, Gene, you're wrong. The Holocaust is taught ad nauseum in every school in this nation, and indeed in every school in the West. And not just in the high schools, its taught as early as the elementary school level. The Jews know they have to inculcate the myth into the gentiles from an early age, and they do so fervently. The gentile children can't escape this ridiculous Holohoax horror story no matter where they turn. They watch "educational" programs on it in school, they receive instruction on it in class, they watch entertainment movies from Holywood about this topic again and again and again. They read the Holocaust books in their english classes, such as Night or The Anne Franke Story, and others.

No wonder so few gentile children are able to examine the evidence clearly and with a critical eye, even when presented with evidence that demonstrates how the establishment's Holocaust story is nonsense. So many of them have internatlized an acceptance of the establishment's Holocaust story. To most gentiles in this country, acceptance of the Holocaust is an article of faith, and so cannot be disproven.

Heres the video of Simmons giving his violin strumming teary eyed pseudo-Holohoax story. If you're able to stand it, then again watch it until the end, for the kicker:


Lastly, just for kicks, here's a radio interview Gene gave to NPR's own Terry Gross on her ironically named show "Fresh Air."  The interview goes poorly for Gene, who reveals himself to be a real insecure asshole. Its quite amusing.

However one exchange of note is when he gets angry at Terry, and comments that she has mispronounced his Hebrew name "because she has a "gentile mouth." The idiot Simmon's is apparently not aware that Terry Gross is herself a Jewess, which comes as no surprise that a media person of any prominance in this country is - shock and surprise!- a Jew. Gross quickly corrects Gene and identifies herself as a Jew. What an idiot he is. No wonder his music sucks so bad, turns out that hes not only a hypocrit, but hes a real dunce as well. LOL...

Heres the Simmon's interview on NPR's show "Fresh Air":


As always, if you're so inclined, then examine the information provided and make up your own mind about what a total asshole Gene Simmons is. LOL..


Unfortunately, the media bosses at Jew-tube have removed the video linked and discussed above, but heres a shortened version of the video, one that contains Gene's obnoxious comment:



Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Ugly Israeli

by Guy O'toole

Non-Jewish scholar Virginia Dominguez, who spent long periods of time in Israel in later years doing research, noted the traditional Jewish narcissism and interest in pedigrees of identity expressed by the Israelis she met: "'What do you mean you say you are not Jewish?' I was asked on several occasions. 'That you're not religious? That your mother wasn't Jewish? That "we the Jews" wouldn't count you as a Jew because you had some Jewish ancestry but not the right ones, according to Halacha?' I was incredulous at first. I had no way then to anticipate this reaction. Everything else seemed to point to the importance of Jewishness, and to controlling both the content and limits of Jewishness

The omnipresent stresses of a predominantly military state, the emphatic "we versus them" paradigm of traditional Jewish identity, the glorification of power and aggression, millennia-old disdain for non-Jews, and the emotional powder keg of Holocaust death camps as a motivational tool has invariably led to the noxious Israeli persona that is so much remarked upon by non-Israelis who spend much time in Israel. This "national character" is commonly cited for its arrogance, insolence (chutzpah), coldness, roughness, and rudeness, to begin a long list of unpleasant "uncivil" attributes. Many American Jews, in noting this Israeli character, tend to romanticize it. "There is a coldness," notes Jewish scholar Norman Cantor, "a mystery, a distance from humanity about [Israelis] that anyone from another country who lives and works in Israel for a half a year will be impressed by."

"Israelis have a reputation for bad manners," notes Jewish American immigrant to Israel Charles Liebman, "to the extent this reputation is deserved it stems from the sense of familiarity that Israelis feel towards one another."

In noting their "curt nature," Adam Garfinkle adds that "Israelis are sometimes rude to an extent that it even bothers other Israelis. In 1995, Bezek, the communication company, instituted a program to get people to be more pleasant on the phone."

"The behavior of young Israelis," notes Israeli Jay Gonen, " .... is characterized by a high degree of chutzpah or gall; it is direct, blatant, unruly, clever, humorous, and indicates a certain lack of sensitivity to social requirements ... [It has a] disregard for rules, regulations, social norms, and good manners." Melford Spiro, in his study of the kibbutzim, discusses "insolence" as an "outstanding characteristic of the sabras" (native-born Israelis).

Herbert Russcol - a Jewish American emigrant to Israel - and his sabra wife Margarit Banai noted the Israeli national character this way: "'Horror stories' about the chutzpah - of the sabra-men, women, and children alike - are notorious. What appears to be (and often is) their cheek, their insolence, has shocked and enraged everyone who has met them. Sabras freely admit their chutzpah as a people, but are rarely aware of being chutzpadik themselves. They will tell you, 'Oh, we're terrible. It's a national vice. I am not so bad, but I have some very rude friends' ... Chutzpah is alarmingly close to chauvinism, and it must be admitted that the sabra is usually passionately chaunvinistic in an era when no gospel has been more discredited in the West than blind, excessive patriotism ... Our young [in the West] wish to be as universal as blades of grass. But the young Israelis cannot afford this, and will tell you defensively, 'After all, you can't build a nation without nationalism."

"The deliberate and unadorned frankness [of Israelis]," notes Zionist historian Melvin Urofsky, "so highly prized by Israelis, scornful of Westernized and 'assimilated' manners, struck [Jewish] Americans [who sought to live in Israel], accustomed to some courtesies in life, as downright rude. (As late as 1965, a study of bureaucratic behavior in one large Israeli enterprise disclosed that 60 per cent of officials in contact with the public did not believe in greeting a visitor, nor would they reply to his greeting; an even higher percentage would not offer him a chair, simply letting him stand during the interview)."

Such attributes, it may be recalled, are among those that have been noted for across the centuries of their diaspora. Leon Poliakov rhetorically noted the inevitable echo here in the European Jewish past: "Are the Jews congenitally unsociable and rude, or are they this way as a result of having been segregated in ghettos? Such was the form of the question in which arguments raged [among non-Jewish intellectuals] in the 18th century on the eve of Emancipation."

As Joyce Starr notes: "Among Americans who have had extensive dealings with Israelis, whether in government, business, or Jewish circles, the first adjectives that comes to their lips are arrogant, willful, and sometimes infuriating." Ms. Starr, who is also Jewish, notes the interchange she had with a man called J.R., "a high-ranking Israeli intelligence officer": "'Most Americans I interviewed in the government sphere - the State Department, Defense Department - use certain words when they describe Israelis.' 'Arrogant,' J. R. replied. 'Yes, arrogant is a word that comes up frequently.' 'By the way, I think it's true. It applies to most Israelis. American fairness and Israeli fairness are different.' 'What is Israeli fairness.' 'Israeli fairness is 'You give me 75 percent and leave 25 percent.' 'Do they know they do it?' 'Most of them do not. I think most of them believe that by some divine decree, they deserve to get everything.' 'What is divine decree?' 'It comes from God.' He saw me laughing. 'It's not funny, Joyce."

"To the brief tourist," wrote Leonard Wolf, a Jewish resident of Israel in 1970, "[Israelis] are a rude, unsympathetic people, intent on themselves, irresponsive to nuances of feeling. Americans, who are instantly, if not profoundly, genial, are apt to find the slow pace of Israeli friendliness cold, comparing the Jewish hotelkeepers and tourist guides they meet unfavorably with the extraordinarily warm Arabs."

In 2001, a Jewish ethnic newspaper, the Forward, noted that the national Israeli propensity to be cheats and hustlers (always evasive of the law) probably had roots in Jewish history in other lands: "[There is] universal awareness that something is definitely rotten in the state of Isael. This is, after all, a country in which bending the rules is said to be a national pasttime, cutting corners a way of life and cheating the authorities the proof of merit ... Sticklers for the law are ridiculed and abused, where anyone who works by the book is branded a sap, a 'freier,' the worst insult in modern Israeli lexicon ... Many people believe Israeli laxity, which borders on anarchy, is a national personality trait that cannot be eradicated by laws alone. Some trace the trait all the way back to the historical Jewish Diaspora, where Jews often found solace in bending the rules imposed by the often anti-Semitic authorities."

In 1986, B. Z. Sobel, an Israeli sociologist at the University of Haifa, discussed his research into reasons why so many Israelis emigrate from Israel to other lands. Among the motivations for leaving, he noted that "there is indeed an edginess [in Israeli society]; tempers flare, and verbal violence is rampant ... A large proportion of those [Israelis] interviewed for my study ... have been abroad [overseas] or were born or raised abroad, and in almost all cases reference is made to the fact that 'people are nice in chutz la'aretz.' Strangers wish you a good day as they make change or pass you in the street, whereas at home [Israel] you can consider yourself fortunate to receive minimally civil treatment."

Among Sobel's interviews with fellow Jews in Israel was one with an immigrant who had resided there for twelve years. At some point in his interview with her, she "broke down and wept ... repeating over and over the word 'garbage': 'People here are garbage, garbage. They're hateful. I hate this place.'" Another interviewee, this one born Israeli, when asked by Sobel why she was emigrating to the United States, "laughed almost hysterically, and shouted, 'Why? Why? Because over there [in the United States] I am a child of God, a child of God. I am treated like a human being wherever I go. I am not shouted at our abused. Washer women in the supermarket don't command me to watch my step. Why?'"

"Americans are much more polite, I would say," remarked Israeli journalist Ze'ev Schiff, "while we are rude and have no patience ... You can see it when some of us are waiting in a queue in a bank or waiting for a bus ... This is the way we deal with each other, with the Egyptians, the Europeans, whoever." As Joyce Starr adds, "The tension [in Israel] spills out in sudden eruptions of rudeness. You can be standing in line in a gas station, and suddenly there will be an outbreak of shouts and terrible cursing for no apparent reason except that people explode in Israel."

Moshe Shokeid notes the comments of an Israeli identified as "Eli," and his perceptions of the Israelis he met in New York City: "When I looked at the crowd, I subconsciously saw myself in the mirror. When you see other Israelis screaming in Hebrew, you realize that you possibly look the same. Unfortunately, I rediscovered the ugly Israeli."

In the 1980s, Virginia Dominguez, a non-Jewish American sociologist of Cuban heritage, fluent in Hebrew and a Fulbright scholar in Israel, worried that obnoxious Israeli behavior and Jewish self-obsession threatened to push her into the camp of the anti-Semites: "Has my obsessive, long-term encounter with Israeli society over the past six years turned me into the anti-Semite I never was? I find myself sharply intolerant of the noisy, brash behavior of most Israeli children. I coin terms of description that are even explicitly judgmental. I get exasperated with the perennial references in the [Hebrew] media to the Jewishness of well-known public figures abroad."

Wendy Orange, a Jewish American, a new immigrant to Israel, noted with irritation the commentary of a group of Christian visitors she overheard in Jerusalem restaurant: "I overheard one Ghanaian woman say, 'Just ghastly, these people!' She's talking to a pregnant Irish woman, who responded wholeheartedly: 'I never imagined they'd be so crude ... so rude.' The Ghanaian, tall and dignified, her hair wrapped high in a colorful African sash, became more emphatic: 'No manners ... They drive like madmen.' She paused. 'They are far more barbarian than I was warned. And I was warned, my dear, many times."

An American Jewish scholar, Adam Garfinkle, noted his own child's experience in Israel's playgrounds: "One day I saw two boys square off in the playground, and one gave the other a good pop to the chin. The victim ran to the teacher and complained that Yossi had hit him. The teacher said, quite typically, "Well, go hit him back." By the time the child gets to first grade, he knows not to embarrass himself by going to the teacher for such matters. When [my son] Nate entered the first grade in the states the next year, we were not surprised to learn that he was 'a bit rough' with his friends."

In such an Israeli socialization of children, Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, a professor in Israel, sees the classical Zionist dynamic: "A significant part of the Israeli self-image is an ideal of toughness, which is contrasted to the softness of Diaspora Jews. The creation of a separate new Israeli identity was accomplished by many expressions of contempt for any form of weakness or moral sensitivity."

This harsh worldview, deeply aggrieved, shamed and angered by the Holocaust, and "centuries of persecution," celebrates ruthless pragmatism as its interrelational essence. Exploiting the Jewish suffering in the Holocaust as a moral shield from criticism, David Ben-Gurion once proclaimed, "It is not important what Gentiles say, what matters is what Jews do." Or as another Israeli prime minister (born in America), Golda Meir, put it: "The nations of Europe who did not help us during the Holocaust are not entitled to preach to us."

In 1973, Georges Tamarin, an Israeli psychologist, was alarmed at what he called the Israeli "cult of toughness," the "Israeli authoritarian personality," and its attendant "traits of ethnocentrism, glorification of strength and the prevailing admiration of the army." "Aggressiveness, loudness, ignorance of basic international expressions, and fascination with arms are held to be grounds for pride." Tamarin saw in such national values an emphatic counter-construct and overcompensation against the embarrassing image of the physically weak European "ghetto Jew." He noted the "the constant preoccupation of Israeli youth with physical strength and courage and some caricaturist demonstrations of toughness and  (he) manhood (lack of inhibitions, loud speech, the ideal of the [military] parachutist, about whom all the women are 'crazy,' overemphasis on masculine symbols (in a style which is a curious mixture of Biblical and Hollywood-type narratives; see the 'Exodus') are dominant traits of the Israeli authoritarian personality."

"Our negligence," complained Israeli Meron Benvenisti in 1989, "of ... values such as the brotherhood of man, social justice, and civil equality to all ha[s] led inexorably to chauvinism and xenophobia ... It is tempting to take the easy way out and dismiss the right-wing chauvinists and religious fundamentalists [in Israel] as an aberration, as marginal, half-crazed fanatics. Yet very influential sections of Israeli public opinion accept their philosophy, albeit considering them 'good boys who slipped'."

In 1989 an American-born Jew, Aaron Wolf, wrote a book about his experiences in the Israeli army. On one occasion after the killing of some Arab combatants, says the author, "I cornered Alon, the Chicagoan whose specialty is falling in love and who was one of the men on that patrol. 'Hey, Alon,' I said, 'Tell me something. You've been trained as a medic. You've had a three-month course learning how to save lives. How do you feel now that you've killed somebody?' 'How do I feel?' he said. 'I feel hungry."

In 1989, Israeli commentators noted with concern a rash of brash "Russian Roulette"-styled behaviors in the country's youth. Groups of children were playing games of life and death daring with passing cars and trains, leaping out, or lying down, in front of them. Reuters called it a "deadly plague" happening to the Jewish state. "Adults gamble," a Jerusalem high school teacher told the wire service, "but the children have less money so they gamble with their lives. I believe Israeli behavior on the roads is macho, and I this is the way children without licenses behave in the streets." Reuters also noted that "when Education Minister Yitzak Navon asked during a school visit why pupils played the deadly game, students replied: 'To show they're brave,' 'To tempt death,' and 'Just to show off.'

Perhaps these children sought to emulate their parents; driving cars dangerously is an Israeli tradition. Too many people in Israel drive their automobiles like maniacs, daring death on the highways. "Twice as many Israelis," notes Lesley Hazeleton, "were killed on the roads during the Lebanon war as in the war itself. If a man was driving particularly recklessly, people would say that he'd just come back from reserve service in Lebanon. They were only half joking."

From the founding of the Jewish state in 1948 to 1990, over 30,000 Israelis died in car accidents, more than twice the number of all the Jews killed in Israeli wars in the same period. In the years 1985 and 1986, a total of ten Israelis were killed by terrorists. Meanwhile, 893 people died in car crashes on Israeli highways. Although Israel is a country of only about six million people, between 1948 and 1990 nearly 630,000 people had been injured in car accidents.

As Joyce Starr noted in 1990, "If the present pace of accidents continues, two people in every Israeli family will be injured, and one person in every ten families will be killed. The number of children killed in auto accidents since 1967 is equivalent to almost a hundred grade school classes."

By 1999, the New York Times wire services noted the concern in Israel that its collective aggressive psyche was beginning to run amuck: "Israel has always had a rough edge, it has always been a society where aggression and rudeness was accepted as by-products of life under siege ... [But] after several exceptionally brutal crimes - two men killed their wives and children and set their bodies on fire - and new studies detailing the level of brutality in the schools, there has emerged an intense focus on violence among Israelis that has temporarily pushed aside the historic focus on conflict with the Arabs." "We have to deal with it exactly as we have with terrorism," said Ze'ev Friedman, "director of health, welfare, and social services for the city of Tel Aviv, "... because this is nothing less than an integral form of terrorism".

The same year a Tel Aviv Municipality study found that 12.5 percent of the homes in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area (the largest population density in Israel) were tainted by domestic violence.

In 2000, Israel's National Council for the Welfare of the Child noted in its annual report the alarming rise in violence emanating from Israel's youth. "Complaints of violence by children in educational institutions" rose by 227% from 1995 to 1999. There were 29,000 criminal investigations of minors in 1999 alone. Also between 1994 and 1999, the number of children under 12 seeking help from call-in hotlines because of sexual abuse rose from 143 to 603. "I have no other words to describe it than to say our society is undergoing a process of bestialization," declared Dr. Asher Ben-Arye, the deputy-general of the National Council, and the editor of the disturbing report. By 2001, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that "Israel, one of the world's smallest countries, ranks eighth in the world in youth violence." That same year, Miss Israel, Ilanit Levy, wore a diamond-studded bullet-proof vest as a fashion statement at the Miss Universe competition.

In 2001, Great Britain's online Telegraph newspaper noted 'Israelis - who take pride in being blunt and outspoken - are to teach children good manners in an attempt to cut the nation's tendency towards violence. From the next school year, 12-year-olds will be taught how to behave politely, which knife and fork to use at table, and how to resolve arguments without shouting or coming to blows. Ronit Tirosh, director-general of the Education Ministry said: 'We are a brutal and impatient society, and the delicacy learned through these lessons may reduce our society's violent tendencies.' Israelis are proud not to say thank you and relish the informality of life ... Israeli life is a bruising contest of one-upmanship. The deepest fear is to be thought a 'sucker' who obeys the rules. Brusqueness has been cultivated by native-born Israelis as a reaction against the manners of Europe's Diaspora Jews, who were seen as cringing and subservient ... Educationalists have become worried about the level of playground violence."

In 1999 the mood in Israel was such that an Israeli court was expected to give a convicted Israeli murderer of a British tourist a reduced sentence because of flashbacks he had of his military work executing Arabs. Major Daniel Okev claimed he murdered Gentile hitch-hiker Max Hunter and wounded his girlfriend "during a flashback to his days in a secret Israeli hit squad which targeted suspected Palestinian terrorists for summary execution ... When he found himself at night in his car with two strangers, Okev said he believed he had a flashback to similar occasions on operations in Gaza. He looked down and saw his gun, sparking the murder."

Traditional Jewish "chutzpah" is of course an integral part of the Israeli identity. "To a large degree," says Israeli professor Jay Gonen, "... Herzl's impact [on Jewish nationalism] was due to a quality of chutzpah, or unmitigated gall, which became an integral part of Zionism and was subsequently elevated almost to an art form by native-born Israelis, or sabras."

An example of how far this chutzpah can go was evidenced in an incident during the Palestinian uprising - known as the Intifada - that began in 1987 against Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank. Of the hundreds of Palestinians shot and killed or wounded by Israeli troops in the Intifada's first year, one young Arab teenager, Nasir Hawwash, was shot in the head and lay in a hospital, irrecoverably brain dead. One day Nasir's brother received a telephone call from a Jewish Israeli citizen, an emissary for the family of a fellow middle-aged Israeli in the hospital with a serious heart condition. The stranger on the phone asked that the Hawwash family donate Nasir's heart to save the Jewish man in the hospital who needed it. "Nasir's older brother," notes Glenn Frankel, "was appalled that an Israeli would ask such a thing. She told him, 'This is how we'll make peace between Arabs and Jews.' He was not buying it. 'How can you make peace when you shoot someone and then you take the heart to give life to another Israeli?' he told her." As the story for the heart request made the Israeli news, one Palestinian "radical" noted that "If we give the Israelis this heart, soon they'll be shooting us for our organs."

The Arab boy's father was eventually offered "more money than [his] family would have seen in a lifetime" for his son's heart, but he told the Israeli pleaders no. "What did they want from me?" he asked. "This was my son. They took him away, then they wanted his body. This I could not give."

Special thanks to the blog 'Non-Jew with a View' for the above essay. Checkout his other blog posts at the link above. He has an excellent and informative blog.

In addition, here is a funny sign posted in the lobby at a hotel located in the Phi Phi Islands. Effin hilarious. Thanks again to "Non-Jew with a View" for this. LOL, effin classic. Book me on a trip to the Phi Phi Islands.. stat!

But enough about how ugly Jews are on the inside, lets see how they look on the outside... LOL.. Such a handsome race of nation-wreckers, pedophiles and murderers.. LOL..


And as always, if you're so inclined, then examine the information provided and make up your own mind about it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jewish Ritual Murder: An Examination of this Millennia Old Accusation

The claim of Ritual Murder has been leveled against the Jews for millenia across Europe and the Mid East, among the dozens of gentile nations the Jewish have inhabited. This accusation bears some odd commonalities over the millenia which strengthen the argument for its validity. For example, gentile nation after gentile nation make the accusation of murder against extremist Jewish cults specifically involving the exsanguination of the gentile child victim. Also, in the cases of male victims, the child is also often found to have been circumcised. Now, this accusation is shared between gentile peoples which have long since hated each other, and bear little love for the other's culture. Yet, despite this, the accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder bear these unusual commonalities. Why is that? Why would gentile peoples, again many of whom hate each other, and most of whom speak different languages, decide to "get together" and spread a rumor with these specific and bizarre claims?  One possible answer is that the different gentile peoples of Europe and the Mid East did not conspire together to spread this wild tale, but rather that the wild tale is in fact true. That is to say, that Jews have been found to have conducted debased and despicable acts of ritual murder against innocent gentile children down through the millenia, and that the childrens' blood was exsanguinated, and in the cases of male gentile children, the victim had also been circumcised.

The Jews- always a people with a flair for the dramatic- have coined a phrase for this accusation, and that is "Blood Libel." Indeed, the Jews now even have a secret "slush fund" worth millions of dollars for combating accusations of Jewish Ritual Murder around the world wherever they may arise, regardless of the specifics of the case at hand, and indeed regardless of the guilt or innocence of the Jews so accused.

So what of this accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder? What specific proofs exist regarding this grisly accusation?  The Jews advise that these allegations are always groundless, and are the result of "anti-semitism." Well, below are two excellent and lengthy videos on this very topic, and represent an excellent "beginner's course" on this horrific and millenia old phenomenon. Watch the videos, examine the evidence, explore the topic on your own, and decide for yourselves:

Human Sacrifice Among Fanatical Hasidic Cults

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult

In addition, here is an Oprah Winfrey show from 1989 where a Jewess talks about how her family practiced the Jewish Ritual Murder of babies, going back (in her family) to the 1700s.

If you're so inclined, then as previously mentioned, examine the information provided and make up your own mind about it.

A Skeleton is Found in a Synogogue's Cellar Buried Beneath a Pile of Coal. The News Story is Buried As Well...

Now, how many churches have skeletons lying around in the basement? Well, this synogogue did. The skeleton had been there for an estimated 30 years... Some unfortunate goyim met their end there, no doubt.

The article in the New York Times is very brief, as was no doubt the NYPD inquiry into the matter....


A Long-Lost Skeleton In a Synagogue Cellar
Published: April 14, 1989
A dark - or, in any case, bizarre -chapter in the otherwise venerable history of the Eldridge Street Synagogue on the Lower East Side was reopened yesterday when a long-lost skull rolled out from a coal-ash pile and struck the foot of a workman. Soon, an entire skeleton was in view. After inspection by a medical examiner, the bones were taken to the Fifth Precinct station house. The official word from the police was that they could not identify the body or determine its sex. It had apparently been in the cellar more than 30 years.

The unoffical word, according to Betty Sandler, administrative director of the Eldridge Street Project, was that ''it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story.''

Workers are excavating the cellar of the 102-year-old synagogue, between Canal and Division Streets, in the first phase of its restoration.

Not the faintest rumor or oldest lore explains the skeleton. Judge Paul P. E. Bookson of Civil Court, who has worshiped at the synagogue for three decades, said he had ''absolutely no information, no inkling'' as to who it might be or how it came to be there. 

He said the congregation made a rabbinical inquiry and was told, ''Halakha, the Jewish law, will require that when all the forensics and pathology are completed, the synagogue will be obliged to inter the remains.''


Now, there are 8 points to consider about this NYT newspaper article:

Firstly: why do the police say:

"The official word from the police was that they could not identify the body or determine its sex. It had apparently been in the cellar more than 30 years."

What are they talking about, they cannot determine its sex? They have the fucking skeleton. Of course they can determine its sex. Its only been buried beneath that pile of coal in the synagogues cellar for 30 years. Forensic analysts are able determnine the sex of people's skeletons who have been deceased for a lot longer than 30 years. So why do the police conclude that they're not able to determine the gender of this victim? Did anyone in the NYPD even TRY to determine who this person is? Was the case dropped immediately, as is likely the case? 

Secondly: why does this "Betty Sandler" Jewess say: "'it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story."  Well, who gives a fuck what kind of story it would make, you effin bitch: why do you think its a girl, when the cops say THEY CANNOT IDENTIFY THE GENDER OF THE SKELETON??  Is Betty Sandler some kind of forensics expert? Or does she have some hidden knowledge about this case?

Thirdly: there may be another reason the Jewess Betty Sandler decided to contradict the police report that they "could not determine its sex," and that is because the skeleton was that of a child. This would explain why the police could not identify the gender of the skeleton, as the skeletons of male and female children are hard to differentiate, as prior to puberty the female pelvic structure is not dissimilar to that of a male child. The Jewess Betty Sandler may have thrown out this nonsense about "''it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story,'' to cover for the fact that the skeleton is a child. Yes, no doubt it would make for an unsavory story, Miss Sandler, but it makes for a far less unsavory story than that of a murdered child being found in a synogogue's cellar. This is especially true considering the millenia old accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder, where the gentile child is tortured and exsanguinated, and their blood used for debased Jewish occult ritual practices. This Sandler woman may be trying to "nip this in the bud," by putting out the misinformation that this was an adult woman who's skeleton was found there, and not that of a gentile child murdered by Jews in some unspeakable ritual murder. A murdered woman is unsavory enough, but its not nearly as unsavory as a child's murder, given what we know of the millenia old accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder.

Fourth: the Judge quoted in the story is not only a jew, but he attended this particular synagogue where the skeleton was found!

"Judge Paul P. E. Bookson of Civil Court, who has worshiped at the synagogue for three decades, said he had ''absolutely no information, no inkling'' as to who it might be or how it came to be there."

Is this Judge working on this case? Why does the NYT quote him?  If hes working on this case, and he attended this very synogogue for "3 decades" shouldn't he recuse himself due to an obvious conflict of interest?  Also, since the body has been in the cellar rotting for 3 decades, isn't it possible that this judge they quote in this article, was actually a member of this synogogue at the very same time that this victim met his or her grisly end? Indeed, isn't it possible that this Judge was in some way involved in the foul murder itself?  So, why is this Judge being quoted?  He's not likely to be very objective, seeing as how hes both a jew and had attended that very synogogue at the same time as this victims death and buriel beneath a pile of cole in the basement. Of course this Judge is going to say he has no idea how the skeleton got there...LOL..  Unbelievable.

Fifth: checkout the strange wording in this story where they state:

"Not the faintest rumor or oldest lore explains the skeleton."

NOT THE FAINTEST RUMOR OR OLDEST LORE EXPLAINS THE SKELETON??? Isn't that a strange thing to say? There certainly IS an old lore that explains the skeleton: there have been allegations against Jews for commmiting the Ritual Murder of gentile children for millenia. This accusation holds that the Jewish perpetrators of this crime drain the blood of the victim for their ancient and depraved rites. This accusation has been leveled against Jews for thousands of years IN EVERY GENTILE NATION IN WHICH THEY'VE EVER RESIDED. Why would gentiles- who speak different languages and who often hate each other- suddently get together to "make up" these stories of Jews specifically abducting gentile children and exsanguinating them down through the millenia as part of their Jewish occult ritual practices?  One possible answer, that we must consider, is that all these different gentile peoples all claim Jews did this unspeakable act of ritual murder, in gentile nation after gentile nation, down through the millenia, because Jews DID DO THAT, again and again and again. That is a possibility we must consider as rational, sober people. To rule it out as "blood libel" against the jewish people, or as mere anti-semetic propaganda, doesn't do the evidence justice.

Sixth: can you imagine the media outcry that would have ensued if a skeleton would have been found by workmen at a Christian church?  Can you imagine the media frenzy that would have ensued? Every coked-up network anchorwoman would've been screaming bloody murder from the top of her lungs, and every homosexual and jew anchorman would've been doing the same. Yet here we have a skeleton found by workers at an 102 year old synagogue and the story only warrants a short article buried on the backpages of the NYT. The media's response couldn't have been more subdued.

Seventh: Look at what a small newstory this NYT article is, and yet look at how many questions it raises, and how few answers it provides. This is often the case when Jewish crimes are partially uncovered, the news reporting is often strange, and subdued, and lacking in any real answers. What a strangely worded news article that is. So keep a sharp eye on the news, especially when it touches upon things related to Jews and their ways. The vast majority of the gentile public is hopeless ignorant, and indeed incurably ignorant of the foul deeds being perpetrated by this extremist and shameless minority in our midst. Be a part of the knowledgable 1%, and keep a sharp eye out for those close to you who have the intelligence and the intergrity to handle the truth. There aren't many out there who have both of these traits, however when you locate one, take the chance and wake them up to whats going on.

And lastly: Be warned of Jewish Ritual Murder. Keep your children close and keep an eye on them every moment that you can, lest your child end up a skeleton buried beneath a pile of coal in the basement of a synagogue. And perhaps more cruely, lest the story about your murdered child end up burried deep in the backpages of the NYT.

As always, if you're so inclined, then examine the evidence provided and make up your own mind about it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gingrich to the Jews: "Get Me Elected and You'll Get Your War with Iran"

Gingrich is sucking up to the Jews, big surprise: He says he'll tap John Bolton as Secretary of State. Bolton's a neo-con, right-wing, bloodthirsty Judeo Supremacist asshole, to put it mildly. By making this claim, its very obvious what Gingrich is saying to the Jews here:

"Get me elected and you'll get your war with Iran."

So this is the choice in November:

War or maybe War.

Thats the choice between the GOP nominee and Obama.

This what Orwell meant by "War is Peace." Perpetual war is the new normal. Madness.


Gingrich: John Bolton will be my secretary of state

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich promised conservatives on Tuesday he would ask former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton to be his secretary of state if he’s elected president next year, according to several of those who met with him.

Hours later he repeated that vow publicly to the Republican Jewish Coalition, winning a round of applause.

“If he accepts it, I will ask John Bolton to be secretary of state,” said the former House speaker, who national polls show has vaulted to the top of the Republican presidential field and leads in three of the first four states that will vote for the next Republican nominee.

During the closed-door meeting in Arlington, Mr. Gingrich spoke and fielded questions for about two hours from 70 conservatives, and many said afterward that they came away impressed.

“The fact that he asked for that meeting” shows that “he understands the value of that movement,” said Amy Kremer, head of the Tea Party Express, who attended the conservative gathering.

Many of the conservative leaders in attendance have been looking for a candidate to endorse in the run-up to the GOP primary season, which begins in less than a month. Others said that, while they likely won’t endorse anyone, they wanted to take the measure of Mr. Gingrich, who has a long and sometimes rocky history with the movement.

Asked by one questioner how he could assure conservatives he would be trustworthy, Mr. Gingrich volunteered that he would tap Mr. Bolton, a hero to conservatives who served President George W. Bush first as the State Department’s top nonproliferation official and then as an outspoken ambassador to the United Nations. Mr. Bolton’s strong views and skepticism of multilateral bodies like the United Nations, and Mr. Bush named him as a recess appointment to the U.N. ambassadorship after Senate Democrats  refused to confirm him.

Mr. Gingrich’s statement that Mr. Bolton would be his pick to head the State Department drew applause from the conservatives.

“John Bolton is certainly extremely well thought of by those in the conservative movement who care about national security, and I would certainly love to see him as secretary of state,” said Gary Bauer, president of American Values and a leading social conservative.

Mr. Bolton has not endorsed anyone in the race and his office said it was unlikely he would comment on Mr. Gingrich’s invitation to serve.

In his meeting with conservatives, Mr. Gingrich repeated his pledge to go after federal judges he believes are overstepping their roles, and also said he would require people who served in his administration to accept his platform, which he said would be conservative.

Asked if he is prepared to face tough personal attacks if he becomes the nominee, the former Georgia congressman replied that he was going to run a campaign focused on ideas, and said he had faith Americans would forgive him for past personal troubles such as his two failed marriages.

Penny Young Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America, who attended the meeting, said she agreed American voters love redemption stories and are ready to be forgiving in Mr. Gingrich’s case. But she cautioned the attacks will be rough.

“I don’t underestimate, and I hope he doesn’t underestimate just the viciousness of the Obama campaign machine and how they are willing to dredge up anything, truth or lie, and he does need to be completely prepared,” she said.

Last month, a prominent evangelical leader said Mr. Gingrich must personally confront his marital failings if he wants to win over religious conservative voters. Ms. Nance said Mr. Gingrich does have more work to do in that area.


Columnist Patrick Buchanan agrees with me. Checkout his column released AFTER I made this post. Buchanan states"

And who is John Bolton?
Newt Gingrich told two groups Wednesday he intends to name Bolton secretary of state.
With Newt appointing as America's first diplomat an uber-hawk who makes Dick Cheney look like Gandhi, and Mitt Romney's foreign policy team crawling with neocons primed for war with Iran, a vote for the GOP in 2012 looks more and more like a vote for war.
Like the Bourbons of old, the Republican Party seems to have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

Heres his entire column:

Marco Rubio vs. Rand Paul


As always, examine the evidence presented and make up your own mind about it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Introducing Konrad Morgen: He Just Doesn't Fit With The Establishment's Holocaust Story

Konrad Morgen was an SS investigator and judge during WWII who's role it was to investigate criminal activity among the SS. He investigated and prosecuted SS personel at concentration camps, and even had two members of the SS convicted and shot for the murder of prison inmates. Furthermore he investigated Amon Goeth for theft of Jewish property; Goeth is the commandant character in the fictional movie "Schindlers List" by Steven Speilberg.

Now what sense does this make, if the Germans were pursuing a policy of mass murder of Jews? Thats like handing out speeding tickets on the autobahn. Morgen's prosecution of SS personnel doesn't make sense if you believe the establishment's holohoax bullshit.

Checkout a broader and deeper examination of this here:


From the site:

Having the dual role of both investigator and judge, Morgen prosecuted SS camp administrators and guards as head of an internal SS apparatus against corruption. (The SS ran the camps). Of particular note is what he did in the Buchenwald camp. Four people were arrested, including the former camp commander's wife, Ilse Koch. After a lengthy 8 month investigation of the camp, where rumours and allegations were looked into, and inmates were interviewed; it was determined that 3-4 prisoners had been killed some years earlier. For that Morgen sentenced the former commander of Buchenwald, Karl Koch (along with his deputy) to death, and Karl Koch's wife, Ilse, was acquitted on a charge of embezzlement.

No one disputes Morgen's extensive wartime prosecutions. He described them in his own words at the Nuremberg Trial:

"About 200 were tried during my activity. Five concentration camp commanders were arrested by me personally. Two were shot after being tried."

As always, if you're so inclined then checkout the information provided and decide for yourself.

Monday, December 5, 2011

REPORT: Pedophilia is Rampant in Hollywood... well what a surprise...

Well, well, well, what do we have here... "Hollywood has had a problem with pedophilia for decades"... lol... And who runs Hollywood? The same people who founded NAMBLA- The North American Man Boy Love Association in San Fran-sicko... Of course, I don't need to tell you who. This last quote about sums it up.

"It would be really wonderful if his (Corey Felman's) allegations reached through all of the protective layers and identified the real people who are a part of a worldwide child pornography ring, because it’s huge and it respects no borders, just as it does not respect the age of the children involved.”

(The child pornography ring) is huge and respects no borders?? Let me tell you, no one is into the child porn racket like the Judeo-Russian mafia. Even the Sicilian mafia shies away from that because its so filthy and evil. But the Jews got a predilection for it. Theres a higher percentage of Jews that are homosexual than the gentile public, and I suspect theres a higher percentage of Jews who are pedophiles as well.

Hollywood has had a pedophile problem for decades? WELL WHO THE FUCK RUNS HOLLYWOOD? 


Recent Charges of Sexual Abuse of Children in Hollywood Just Tip of Iceberg, Experts Say
By Meaghan Murphy

Published December 05, 2011
| FoxNews.com

NBC / Warner Bros.

Allison Arngrim (left) starred on 'Little House on the Prairie." She said stories about Corey Feldman and Corey Haim (right) being abused as child stars were common in the 1980s and 90s.

If a spate of recent allegations proves true, Hollywood may have a hideous epidemic on its hands. The past two weeks have brought three separate reports of alleged child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry.

Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told him "what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry." Weiss has pleaded not guilty.

On Nov. 21, Fernando Rivas, 59, an award-winning composer for “Sesame Street,” was arraigned on charges of coercing a child “to engage in sexually explicit conduct” in South Carolina. The Juilliard-trained composer was also charged with production and distribution of child pornography.

Registered sex offender Jason James Murphy, 35, worked as a casting agent in Hollywood for years before his past kidnapping and sexual abuse of a boy was revealed by the Los Angeles Times on Nov. 17. Murphy’s credits include placing young actors in kid-friendly fare like "Bad News Bears," "The School of Rock," "Cheaper by the Dozen 2” and the forthcoming "Three Stooges.”

Revelations of this sort come as no surprise to former child star Corey Feldman.

Feldman, 40, himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, unflinchingly warned of the world of pedophiles who are drawn to the entertainment industry last August. "I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia,” Feldman told ABC’s Nightline. “That's the biggest problem for children in this industry... It's the big secret.”

Another child star from an earlier era agrees that Hollywood has long had a problem with pedophilia. “When I watched that interview, a whole series of names and faces from my history went zooming through my head,” Paul Peterson, 66, star of The Donna Reed Show, a sitcom popular in the 1950s and 60s, and president of A Minor Consideration, tells FOXNews.com. “Some of these people, who I know very well, are still in the game.”

“This has been going on for a very long time,” concurs former “Little House on the Prairie” star Alison Arngrim. “It was the gossip back in the ‘80s. People said, ‘Oh yeah, the Coreys, everyone’s had them.’ People talked about it like it was not a big deal.”

Arngrim, 49, was  referring to Feldman and his co-star in “The Lost Boys,” Corey Haim, who died in March 2010 after years of drug abuse.

“I literally heard that they were ‘passed around,’” Arngrim  said. “The word was that they were given drugs and being used for sex. It was awful – these were kids, they weren’t 18 yet. There were all sorts of stories about everyone from their, quote, ‘set guardians’ on down that these two had been sexually abused and were totally being corrupted in every possible way.”

In fact it is the very nature of a TV or movie set that invites predators, experts tell Fox News.

“A set in Hollywood with children can become a place that attracts pedophiles because the children there may be vulnerable and less tended to,” explains Beverly Hills-based psychotherapist Dr. Jenn Berman. “One thing we know about actors, psychologically speaking, is that they’re people who like a lot of attention. Kids naturally like a lot of attention, and when you put a kid on a set who is unsupervised and getting attention from someone who is powerful, it creates a vulnerability for a very dangerous situation.”

Feldman, who claims he was “surrounded” by pedophiles when he was 14, says the sexual abuse by an unnamed “Hollywood mogul” led to the death of his friend Haim at the age of 38. "That person needs to be exposed, but, unfortunately, I can't be the one to do it," Feldman told Nightline.

“There’s more than one person to blame,” says Arngrim. “I’m sure that it was not just one person who sexually abused Corey Haim, and I’m sure it wasn’t only him and Corey Feldman that knew about it. I’m sure that dozens of people were aware of the situation and chose to not report it.”

Arngrim, a board member and the national spokeswoman for protect.org, an organization that works to protect children from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, says greed in Hollywood allows sexual predators to flourish. “Nobody wants to stop the gravy train,” says Arngrim. “If a child actor is being sexually abused by someone on the show, is the family, agents or managers – the people who are getting money out of this – going to say, ‘OK, let’s press charges’? No, because it’s going to bring the whole show to a grinding halt, and stop all the checks. So, the pressure is there is not to say anything.”

“It’s almost a willing sacrifice that many parents are oblivious to – what kind of environment do they think that they’re pushing their kid into?” said Peterson. “The casting couch is a real thing, and sometimes just getting an appointment makes people do desperate things.”

Arngrim, who revealed her own sexual abuse in her 2010 autobiography, “Confessions of a Prairie Bitch,” explains: “I’ve heard from victims from all over the country. Everyone tells the same kind of story, everyone is told to keep it secret, everyone is threatened with something. Corey Feldman may have opened a can of worms by speaking out, but yes, this does go on.”

Even though Feldman spoke candidly about the abuse, he hasn’t named the predator. “People don’t want to talk about this because they’re afraid for their careers,” says Peterson. “From my perspective, what Corey did was pretty brave. It would be really wonderful if his allegations reached through all of the protective layers and identified the real people who are a part of a worldwide child pornography ring, because it’s huge and it respects no borders, just as it does not respect the age of the children involved.”

As always, if you're so inclined, then examine the evidence and make up your own mind. Think for yourselves for once, and don't just go with the herd, for God's sake.



Corey Feldman Will Reveal the Name of Two Hollywood Pedophiles That Abused Him

Corey Feldman caused quite a stir a few months ago when he revealed that pedophilia was rampant in Hollywood (see the article Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Child Stars). He now plans to reveal the names of two Hollywood men who abused him while he was a minor in an upcoming tell-all book. Some critics said: “Why doesn’t he go to the police instead of attempting to make money off a book?”. Two answers immediately come to mind: First, I am not convinced that the LAPD will be too cooperative in investigating and arresting highly powerful, highly connected Hollywood handlers. Secondly, I am pretty sure that the statue of limitations has expired, making prosecution invalid today. Finally, these people (and this industry as a whole) need to be exposed to the public. Here’s an article and a video about Feldman.

I will reveal the names of TWO Hollywood paedophiles that abused me,’ says Corey Feldman

As a teenage star Corey Feldman starred in some classic movies and became an eighties Hollywood icon.
But on film sets such as The Goonies, Stand By me and The Lost Boys he claims to have been sexually abused by paedophiles.
The Dancing On Ice star admits he was preyed on by many men and he plans to reveal the names of two Hollywood perverts in a tell all book.
The 40-year-old actor explained how at age 14 he was being leached upon and used by men like vultures.
He told The Sun: ‘It was basically me laying there pretending I was asleep and them going about their business.’
Corey, who has been clean of drugs for 20 years, will write a book to chronicle all the abuse that he and other actors endured as children.

He decided it was time to open up about the seedy side of the industry after his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim, 38, died and an agent was charged with child abuse.
Feldman said that Haim, who died from heart failure and pneumonia, was also sexually abused and the people who did it believe that they are above the law.
He feels Hollywood have used the pair as scapegoats and labelled them drug addicts and has-beens.
Corey said: ‘Even today people say about me, “Eighties heartthrob; hasn’t done anything since.” The truth is I haven’t stopped. Last year I did four films.’Corey and I were pegged as the scapegoats… People need to know the reason Corey and I were swept under the carpet like the beaten dogs that were sent to the pound so no one had to deal with us anymore.’
Feldman first spoke out about his troubled past last year and he believes that is the reason why an anonymous former child actor claimed he had been abused by talent agent Martin Weiss.
He said: ‘I stood up and said there is a bigger problem, that I’d lost Corey and that I didn’t want to see any more kids lost to these sick perverts.’Although Weiss, 47, did not abuse Corey, he is still helping the detective in charge of the case with investigations.
The actor is aware of the danger he is putting himself and his family in by naming those who molested him but after losing his good friend Haim he wants to protect his own son.
- Source: Daily Mail

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holocaust Denial Videos, David Cole and the JDL...

Theres no better source for Holocaust revisionist videos than the website linked below. I credit the David Cole Video on Auschwitz provided on that site for coming to the realization that the so-called Holocaust is a pile of nonsense, lies and war propaganda. There are a total of 9+ hours of free revisionist videos provided on that site, however I'd suggest starting with the David Cole video on Auschwitz.

For those who don't know David Cole was a young revisionist Jew who visited the so-called "death camps" in the early 1990s. The video provided on the site linked below is but one of the videos he intended to make about the Holocaust. However a "hit" was put on Cole's head by the fanatical "Jewish Defense League" and he quickly disavowed his revisionist ideas and went into hiding. The JDL's leader at the time, Irv Rubin, later was convicted of attempting to murder a Lebonese-American Congressman named Darrel Issa, as well as the planned bombing of a mosque in Culver City, California. The JDL, incidentally, was the same organization whos membership included Baruch Goldstein, the American born Jewish Doctor who walked into a mosque in Hebron in February 1994 with a machine gun and opened fire on the arabs while they were praying, murdering 29 arabs and wounding dozens more, in that much publicized Massacre.

David Cole has never surfaced again publically. His one remaining work on Auschwitz, however, endures. Be sure to check out his video provided on the site linked below. Its an excellent beginners introduction to Holocaust Revisionism.

Here is a brief comment on the other 5 excellent revisionist videos available to watch on that site:

Nazi Shrunken Heads- an examination of the allied use of props to paint the Germans as lunatic murderers and torturers. The Shrunken head was obviously taken by the Allies from a German archaelogical museum, and is not the shrunken head of a polish man murdered by the Germans for "fraternizing with German women." LOL...

One Third of the Holocaust- examines the Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec camps and explains how they were not death camps, but were instead transit camps, and thereby smashes one third of the establishment's 'holocaust' story. This is a long video, its 4 hours and 15 minutes, so get comfortable and get some munchies, as you'll be revited by this fascinating video.

Buchenwald- describes how the allied psychological warfare departments worked to frame the Nazis for one atrocity after another, and how this frame up "blew-back" into the American consiousness after the war. One particularly interesting aspect of this is the role of the famous Jewish director Billy Wilder, and how he actually walks into the frame while shooting a scene in Buchenwald. He's actually caught on tape "directing" the camp inmates for the American "documentary." For those who don't know, you don't direct in a documentary. To do so makes it not a documentary, but a fictional movie.

The Phil Donahue Analysis (The Holocaust Denial Episode)- revisionist David Cole and Bradley Smith appear on the Phil Donahue show in 1994. I actually saw this show back in '94 on TV, and I remembered thinking that David Cole was making a lot of sense, and I suspected that that was why he was removed from the show early on. Nevertheless I still was a firm believer in the Hoax for another 10 years or so, until I saw Cole's video on the internet. This brings up an interesting point: the media doesn't allow any debate about the Holocaust- and kudos to Phil Donahue for allowing such a show to air. Phil's a completely duped gentile. He's a fool and a willing sucker for every Jewish trick and lie in the book- but kudos for him for allowing this show to air, as biased and unbalanced as his handling of the show is, still he had the show. However the point is, the one source of revisionist information available to us is the internet. The one media that the establishment cannot control is the internet. If it wasn't for this technology which the establishment never saw coming, you wouldn't be reading this right now, and these revisionist videos wouldn't be so readily avaialable to you. Take advantage of this oppurtunity while it still exists. Certainly the establishment is trying to curtail freedom on the web, but as of yet they have not figured out how to do so effectively. Take advantage of this oppurtunity while it still exists.

Auschwitz: The Comedy- The newest of the revisionist videos on this page, this is a very amusing and informative examination of the gas chamber lie. A must-see for all Holocaust Deny-Nerds... LOL.. Mmmmmm... Auschwitz (Schlitz) Beer... LOL...

Here is the site, with 9+ hours of revisionist videos:


If you want to "read more about it," then checkout the Codoh site, which is the site for the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. Checkout the forums especially on that site for an excellent discussing and debate on this subject.


By the way, below are the links to another television program from the '90s called The Montel Williams Show. Montel is a bit of a buffoon, but again give him some credit for having this topic discussed on his show. The show features David Cole with Mark Weber of the IHR. Give Montel some credit also for allowing his guests to speak their piece. The show also touches upon Cole's recent attack upon his person by JDL thugs. This show represents one of the last public appearences by David Cole:

Montel Williams Show featuring David Cole and Mark Weber:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

As always, if you're so inclined, then watch the videos and examine the information provided, and make up your own mind.

Remember the USS Liberty: June 8th 1967

Lets remember the USS Liberty.

Lets remember the 34 American sailors murdered and the 174 more who were wounded on June 8th 1967 when our "ally" Israel attacked the Liberty using air and sea forces while it was sailing in international waters and flying an American flag on a bright clear Mediteranean early afternoon.

Lets remember them as you won't see much mention of this atrocity, if any, in the media. I monitored multiple news channels on TV all day on the 40th anniversary of this heinous crime, and there was no mention of it. Not one mention.

Conversely, the attack on the USS Cole by arab terrrorists in Yemen in October 2000 which killed 17 American sailors is often mentioned and discussed in the media, at length..

Heres a great BBC documentary on it and the USS Liberty memorial website:



If you're so inclined, learn more about it and make up your own mind. But lets remember the brave men of the USS Liberty, as our media, our government, and the mindless great unwashed masses, will not.

Jewish Chicken Twirlers... LOL..

Wow these people are weird. Checkout this bizarre, unsanitary and cruel religious ritual performed on the eve of Yom Kippur where Jews twirl a live chicken over their heads 3 times... LOL.. I kid you not... Then they slit the throat of the doomed foul, and it bleeds to death. Watch for yourself:


Here's another video about this ridiculous ritual. According to Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin, quoted in the video linked below, the ritual originally was intended to be a bribe to Satan. They twirl the chicken around their heads 3 times, and this supposedly fills the chicken with the Jew's sins, and then the chicken is killed, apparently by slitting its throat and it then bleeds to death.. Jews have a real thing about exsanguination; you see it repeatedly in their rituals and in their history, from Kosher dietary laws to the "Blood Libel" claims of Jewish Ritual Murder leveled against Jews down through the millenia from every gentile nation they've ever infested.


Anyways, its a bizarre and ridiculous ritual. But its a free country. If these people believe this will in some way aid them spiritually, then I could care less. We have freedom of religion in this nation, and if they want to believe that twirling a chicken over their head 3 times, or praying to 'Hanoman the Monkey God' will aid them, then that's their business. However its an amusing ritual, and one they are not keen to make well known among the gentiles of their host nation. Thankfully, in this high tech media world we live in, their ridiculous- not to mention cruel and unsanitary- religious practice is available for all to see and laugh at... LOL..

"Jews May Kill Non-Jewish Babies" Orthodox Rabbis state in new book

A book titled Torat Hamelech  published in 2009 and written by prominent Orthodox Rabbi Yitzkak Shapira states that “Jews can kill non-Jewish babies because they may one day grow up to be enemies.”  The book's author further states that: "Non-Jews are uncompassionate by nature and should be killed in order to curb their evil inclinations."  The book was endorsed by two other influential Orthodox Rabbis: Yaakov Yosef and Rabbi Dov Lior, and is no fringe book from the extreme right of Jewish religious thought, but rather it is a book which is in lock-step with the mainstream of the Jewish religious community.

In this article about the book, the author quotes the Israel Religious Action Centre's newsletter The Pluralist, and states

"Racial incitement in the name of Judaism is a regular occurrence in Israel. IRAC works to change this reality. On the last day of the summer Knesset session, we presented a bill supported by 20 Knesset members to better define racial incitement and to regulate enforcement.“ … This is the first report of its kind, compiling detailed cases of incitement by state funded rabbis. The 40-page report includes some material that is very difficult, such as the book Torat Hamelech which states that “Jews can kill non-Jewish babies because they may one day grow up to be enemies.” Incitement is a criminal offence in Israel. Unfortunately, there has been almost no enforcement in the case of rabbis. Forty-eight cases have been brought to court and in only one case was there a conviction. None of the rabbis featured in our report, most of whom are state funded, has had a disciplinary case opened against them."

Read more about the IRAC's comments about this book this at

"Jews May Kill Non-Jewish Babies" - Orthodox Rabbis http://technorati.com/politics/article/jews-may-kill-non-jewish-babies/

And below is an excellent article penned by Max Blumenthal about this book, and a video of the conferenced held by Orthodox Rabbis on August 18th 2010 at the Ramada Inn in central Jerusalem to defend this hate-filled, racist tract:
WORLD   AlterNet / By Max Blumenthal

Israeli Rabbis Defend Book's Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video)


A rabbinical guidebook for killing non-Jews has sparked an uproar in Israel and exposed the power a bunch of genocidal theocrats wield over the government.

August 30, 2010

        When I went into the Jewish religious book emporium, Pomeranz, in central Jerusalem to inquire about the availability of a book called Torat Ha'Melech, or the King's Torah, a commotion immediately ensued. "Are you sure you want it?" the owner, M. Pomeranz, asked me half-jokingly. "The Shabak [Israel's internal security service] is going to want a word with you if you do." As customers stopped browsing and began to stare in my direction, Pomeranz pointed to a security camera affixed to a wall. "See that?" he told me. "It goes straight to the Shabak!"

As soon as it was published late last year,Torat Ha'Melech sparked a national uproar. The controversy began when an Israeli tabloid panned the book's contents as "230 pages on the laws concerning the killing of non-Jews, a kind of guidebook for anyone who ponders the question of if and when it is permissible to take the life of a non-Jew." According to the book's author, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, "Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature" and should be killed in order to "curb their evil inclinations." "If we kill a gentile who has has violated one of the seven commandments… there is nothing wrong with the murder," Shapira insisted. Citing Jewish law as his source (or at least a very selective interpretation of it) he declared: "There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults."

In January, Shapira was briefly detained by the Israeli police, while two leading rabbis who endorsed the book, Dov Lior and Yaakov Yosef, were summoned to interrogations by the Shabak. However, the rabbis refused to appear at the interrogations, essentially thumbing their noses at the state and its laws. And the government did nothing. The episode raised grave questions about the willingness of the Israeli government to confront the ferociously racist swathe of the country's rabbinate. "Something like this has never happened before, even though it seems as if everything possible has already happened," Israeli commentator Yossi Sarid remarked with astonishment. "Two rabbis [were] summoned to a police investigation, and announc[ed] that they will not go. Even settlers are kind enough to turn up."

In response to the rabbis' public rebuke of the state's legal system, the Israeli Attorney General and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kept silent. Indeed, since the publication of Torat Ha'Melech, Netanyahu has strenuously avoided criticizing its contents or the author's leading supporters. Like so many prime ministers before him, he has been cowed into submission by Israel's religious nationalist community. But Netanyahu appears to be particularly impotent. His weakness stems from the fact that the religious nationalist right figures prominently in his governing coalition and comprises a substantial portion of his political base. For Netanyahu, a confrontation with the rabid rabbis could amount to political suicide, or could force him into an alliance with centrist forces who do not share his commitment to the settlement enterprise in the West Bank.

On August 18, a pantheon of Israel's top fundamentalist rabbis flaunted their political power during an ad hoc congress they convened at Jerusalem's Ramada Renaissance hotel. Before an audience of 250 supporters including the far-right Israeli Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari, the rabbis declared in the name of the Holy Torah that would not submit to any attempt by the government to regulate their political activities -- even and especially if those activities included inciting terrorist attacks against non-Jews. As one wizened rabbi after another rose up to inveigh against the government's investigation of Torat Ha'Melech until his voice grew hoarse, the gathering degenerated into calls for murdering not just non-Jews, but secular Jews as well.

"The obligation to sacrifice your life is above all others when fighting those who wish to destroy the authority of the Torah," bellowed Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira, head of the yeshiva in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan. "It is not only true against non-Jews who are trying to destroy it but against Jewish people from any side."

The government-funded terror academy

The disturbing philosophy expressed in Torat Ha'Melech emerged from the fevered atmosphere of a settlement called Yitzhar located in the northern West Bank near the Palestinian city of Nablus. Shapira leads the settlement's Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, holding sway over a small army of fanatics who are eager to lash out at the Palestinians tending to their crops and livestock in the valleys below them. One of Shapira's followers, an American immigrant named Jack Teitel, has confessed to murdering two innocent Palestinians and attempting to the kill the liberal Israeli historian Ze'ev Sternhell with a mail bomb. Teitel is suspected of many more murders, including an attack on a Tel Aviv gay community center.

Despite its apparent role as a terror training institute, Od Yosef Chai has raked in nearly fifty thousand dollars from the Israeli Ministry of Social Affairs since 2007, while the Ministry of Education has pumped over 250 thousand dollars into the yeshiva's coffers between 2006 and 2007. The yeshiva has also benefited handsomely from donations from a tax-exempt American non-profit called the Central Fund of Israel. Located inside the Marcus Brothers Textiles store in midtown Manhattan, the Central Fund transferred at least thirty thousand to Od Yosef Chai between 2007 and 2008.

Though he does not name "the enemy" in the pages of his book, Shapira's longstanding connection to terrorist attacks against Palestinian civilians exposes the true identity of his targets. In 2006, Shapira was briefly held by Israeli police for urging his supporters to murder all Palestinians over the age of 13. Two years later, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz, he signed a rabbinical letter in support of Israeli Jews who had brutally assaulted two Arab youths on the country's Holocaust Remembrance Day. That same year, Shapira was arrested under suspicion that he helped orchestrate a rocket attack against a Palestinian village near Nablus. Though he was released, Shapira's name arose in connection with another act of terror, when in January, the Israeli police raided his settlement seeking the vandals who set fire to a nearby mosque. After arresting ten settlers, the Shabak held five of Shapira's confederates under suspicion of arson.

Friends in high places

Despite his longstanding involvement in terrorism, or perhaps because of it, Shapira counts Israel's leading fundamentalist rabbis among his supporters. His most well-known backer is Dov Lior the leader of the Shavei-Hevron yeshiva at Kiryat Arba, a radical Jewish settlement near the occupied Palestinian city of Hebron and a hotbed of Jewish terrorism. Lior has vigorously endorsed Torat Ha'Melech, calling it "very relevant, especially in this time."

Lior's enthusiasm for Shapira's tract stems from his own eliminationist attitude toward non-Jews. For example, while Lior served as the IDF's top rabbi, he instructed soldiers: "There is no such thing as civilians in wartime… A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail!" Indeed, there are only a few non-Jews whose lives Lior would demand to be spared. They are captured Palestinian militants who, as he once suggested, could be used as subjects for live human medical experiments.

Otherwise, Lior appears content to watch Palestinians perish as they did at the muzzle of Dr. Baruch Goldstein's machine gun in 1994. Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinians and wounded 150 in a shooting spree while they prayed in Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs mosque, was a compatriot and neighbor of Lior in the settlement of Kiryat Arba. At Goldstein's funeral, Lior celebrated the massacre as an act carried out "to sanctify the holy name of God." He then extolled Goldstein as "a righteous man." Thanks to Lior's efforts, a shrine to Goldstein was constructed in center of Kiryat Arba so that locals could celebrate the killer's deeds and pass his legacy down to future generations.

Though Lior's inflammatory statements resulted in his being barred from running for election to the Supreme Rabbinical Council, according to journalist Daniel Estrin, the rabbi remains "a respected figure among many mainstream ZIonists." By extension, he maintains considerable influence among religious elements in the IDF. In 2008, when the IDF's chief rabbi, Brigadier General Avichai Ronski, brought a group of military intelligence officers to Hebron for a special tour, he concluded the day with a private meeting with Lior, who was allowed to revel the officers with his views on modern warfare -- "no such thing as civilians in wartime."

Besides Lior, Torat Ha'Melech has earned support from another nationally prominent fundamentalist rabbi: Yaakov Yosef. Yosef is the leader of the Hazon Yaakov Yeshiva in Jerusalem and a former member of Knesset. Perhaps more significantly, he is the son of Ovadiah Yosef, the former chief rabbi of Israel and spiritual leader of the Shas Party that forms a key segment of Netanyahu's governing coalition.
Yaakov Yosef has brought his influence to bear in defense of Torat Ha'Melech, insisting at the August 18 convention in Jerusalem that the book was no different than the Hagadah that all Jews read from on the holiday of Passover. The Hagadah contains passages about killing non-Jews and so does the Bible, Yosef reminded his audience. "Does anyone want to change the Bible?" he asked.

Bibi buckles

Only days before direct negotiations in Washington between Israel and the Palestinian Authority planned for early September, Yaakov Yosef's 89-year-old father, Ovadiah delivered his weekly sermon. With characteristic vitriol, he  declared: "All these evil people should perish from this world… God should strike them with a plague, them and these Palestinians."

The remarks have sparked an international furor and earned a stern rebuke from Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. "While the PLO is ready to resume negotiations in seriousness and good faith," Erekat remarked, "a member of the Israeli government is calling for our destruction."

Palestinian Israeli member of Knesset Jamal Zehalka subsequently demanded that the Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein put Yosef on trial for incitement. "If, heaven forbid, a Muslim spiritual leader were to make anti-Jewish comments of this sort," Zehalka said, "he would be arrested immediately."

Here was a perfect opportunity for Netanyahu to demonstrate sincerity about negotiations by  shedding an extremist ally in the name of securing peace. All he had to do was forcefully reject Yosef's genocidal comments -- a feat made all the easier by the White House's condemnation of the rabbi. But the Israeli Prime Minister ducked for political cover instead, issuing a canned statement instead of a condemnation. "Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef's remarks do not reflect Netanyahu's views," the statement read, "nor do they reflect the position of the Israeli government."

By refusing to cut Yosef loose, his party remains a central actor in the Israeli government. Thus the statement by Netanyahu was not only weak. It was false.

Here is a video of this Jewish hate rally:

How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech


Here is another link to one of Max's articles about this hateful book:

Inside Torat Hamelech, the Jewish extremist terror tract endorsed by state-employed rabbi


And here is a radio interview Max gave about this racist book on Anti-War radio:


Lastly, here is an Al Jazeera video on this book, and note how balanced the reporting is. Fox News and CNN could learn a thing or two from this balanced piece. Note that this news piece by Al Jazeera doesn't even mention the book's declaration that its moral for Jews to murder gentile babies. And at least Al Jazeera covers this topic. How many news stories have you seen on Fox News or CNN about this hate-filled book? LOL... You've never seen a news story on American TV about this book... LOL..

Al Jazeera's remarkably balanced news piece:

Torat HaMelech (תורת המלך) - Killing Gentiles and the Halachah

If you're so inclined, then watch the above videos and read the information provided and make up your own minds.

Friday, December 2, 2011

End the Kosher Tax!

The time has come to end the Kosher Tax. For those of you who do not know, the Kosher Tax is a scam that swindles gentiles out of billions of dollars every year. This amounts to a massive wealth transfer from gentiles to Jews, all for no good reason.

Heres how the scam works. A rabbinical counsel will approach a company, usually though not always a manufacturer of food products, and will offer to certify that company's products as Kosher for a fee. The company then has the option of declining or accepting the offer.

Now, declining the offer and therefore not having the pay the fee has numerous downsides. Firstly, you would be displeasing a powerful and influential segment of the Jewish community. Everyone who's in a position of power within a manufacturing compnay will know the risks of displeasing the Jewish community. You just don't do it. The Jews simply wield far to much media, political and financial power to risk incurring their wrath. Better to simply pay the fee and pass the cost of the Kosher certification on to the consumers. However, since the Jewish community is a very small percentage of the American public, the cost of the certification is in fact paid overwhelmingly by the gentile consumers. This represents an extra expense, or tax, paid by gentiles, for whom there is no benefit whatsoever.

Below are five points to consider with regard to the Kosher Tax on gentiles:

1. The Kosher Tax is Paid Unknowingly by the gentile consumer:

This extra expense is paid UNKNOWNINGLY by the ignorant gentile public. Why not simply make this extra expense known to the public? Why not place a clear Star of David on the product, so to alert every consumer that this product has been certified as Kosher, and therefore there is an extra expense for that product item? Of course, this is not done, as neither the Rabbinical Councils nor the company being used want to advertise this obvoius swindle. They just want the gentile public to pay the extra expense unknowlingly, and be done with it. Instead, the symbols used are archaic and cryptic. Most often you will see  a U with a circle around it, as that is the certification seal of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. Another common symbol is a K inside of  a circle. If there is nothing sinister going on here, why not be open and honest about this extra fee consumers have to pay?

2. The Kosher Tax confers no benefit whatsoever to the gentile consumer and yet gentiles pay the vast majority of the tax:

Gentiles do not follow Kosher dietary laws, so therefore gain no benefit whatsoever for the Kosher certification, for which they have just paid an extra fee. See the list of Kosher Certification Seals on the URL provided below. Furthermore, gentiles are of course the vast majority of the population, and account for well over 90% of the consumers buying these Kosher certified products, and therefore pay the vast majority of this tax. They do this unknowingly and again for no benefit to themselves whatsoever.

3. This tax is on food items that gentiles need for survival:

Check your food pantry and your refrigerator. You will see that virtually every food item you own has a Kosher certification seal on it. See the list of seals at the bottom of this article. How are gentiles supposed to avoid this tax? Its very difficult to do, as again virtually every food item has this seal, and more are being added every year. And its not just food items! Tinfoil, cleaning products, even steel, now carry the Kosher certication seal. How a non-food product can be considered Kosher is beyond me. It doesn't really matter though, its all a scam designed to bilk gentile families out of their hard earned money. Imagine all the teachers, and police officers, and factory workers and grocery store clerks, and single-mom waitresses who work hard for every dollar they earn, and yet they have to pay extra money FOR THEIR BASIC FOOD ITEMS, ALL FOR NO BENEFIT TO THEMSELVES WHATSOEVER. This tax is a disgusting swindle and needs to end now!

4. How much money is the Kosher Tax costing gentile consumers?

This isn't well known, as again the tax itself isn't well known, and the media, dominated as it is by Jews, are not eager to investigate this swindle which so benefits their tribe. The Anti-Defamation League has commented that Rabbis are not getting rich over this, and that the amount of money they obtain through Kosher certification is very little. However, the April 5th 2001 online edition of The Detroit News over $150 Billion in food products had a portion of their costs go to the Rabbinical Councils. The total number of products certified to be Kosher was estimated at $165 billion in 2003. It has surely increased greatly since then. Furtheremore, according to the Alburquerque Tribune of July 29th 2002 it is estimated that one dollar for every $30 dollars consumers spend on Kosher certified products go to pay for this certification.

5. Why has NOT ONE POLITICAL LEADER stepped forward and demanded an end to this obvious swindle??

Can you imagine that. Our political leaders don't dare to broach this subject, even during a grinding recession where millions of gentiles are out of work and struggling to put food on the table for their families. Imagine that. What a bunch of cowards and whores we have in this country. What a shameless and awful group of gentile cowards and whores, from both parties.

Here is an excellent video on the Kosher Tax:


And here is the list of Kosher Certification Seals for the USA only:


If you're so inclined then watch the video and examine the evidence provided and make up your own mind.