The time has come to end the Kosher Tax. For those of you who do not know, the Kosher Tax is a scam that swindles gentiles out of billions of dollars every year. This amounts to a massive wealth transfer from gentiles to Jews, all for no good reason.
Heres how the scam works. A rabbinical counsel will approach a company, usually though not always a manufacturer of food products, and will offer to certify that company's products as Kosher for a fee. The company then has the option of declining or accepting the offer.
Now, declining the offer and therefore not having the pay the fee has numerous downsides. Firstly, you would be displeasing a powerful and influential segment of the Jewish community. Everyone who's in a position of power within a manufacturing compnay will know the risks of displeasing the Jewish community. You just don't do it. The Jews simply wield far to much media, political and financial power to risk incurring their wrath. Better to simply pay the fee and pass the cost of the Kosher certification on to the consumers. However, since the Jewish community is a very small percentage of the American public, the cost of the certification is in fact paid overwhelmingly by the gentile consumers. This represents an extra expense, or tax, paid by gentiles, for whom there is no benefit whatsoever.
Below are five points to consider with regard to the Kosher Tax on gentiles:
1. The Kosher Tax is Paid Unknowingly by the gentile consumer:
This extra expense is paid UNKNOWNINGLY by the ignorant gentile public. Why not simply make this extra expense known to the public? Why not place a clear Star of David on the product, so to alert every consumer that this product has been certified as Kosher, and therefore there is an extra expense for that product item? Of course, this is not done, as neither the Rabbinical Councils nor the company being used want to advertise this obvoius swindle. They just want the gentile public to pay the extra expense unknowlingly, and be done with it. Instead, the symbols used are archaic and cryptic. Most often you will see a U with a circle around it, as that is the certification seal of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. Another common symbol is a K inside of a circle. If there is nothing sinister going on here, why not be open and honest about this extra fee consumers have to pay?
2. The Kosher Tax confers no benefit whatsoever to the gentile consumer and yet gentiles pay the vast majority of the tax:
Gentiles do not follow Kosher dietary laws, so therefore gain no benefit whatsoever for the Kosher certification, for which they have just paid an extra fee. See the list of Kosher Certification Seals on the URL provided below. Furthermore, gentiles are of course the vast majority of the population, and account for well over 90% of the consumers buying these Kosher certified products, and therefore pay the vast majority of this tax. They do this unknowingly and again for no benefit to themselves whatsoever.
3. This tax is on food items that gentiles need for survival:
Check your food pantry and your refrigerator. You will see that virtually every food item you own has a Kosher certification seal on it. See the list of seals at the bottom of this article. How are gentiles supposed to avoid this tax? Its very difficult to do, as again virtually every food item has this seal, and more are being added every year. And its not just food items! Tinfoil, cleaning products, even steel, now carry the Kosher certication seal. How a non-food product can be considered Kosher is beyond me. It doesn't really matter though, its all a scam designed to bilk gentile families out of their hard earned money. Imagine all the teachers, and police officers, and factory workers and grocery store clerks, and single-mom waitresses who work hard for every dollar they earn, and yet they have to pay extra money FOR THEIR BASIC FOOD ITEMS, ALL FOR NO BENEFIT TO THEMSELVES WHATSOEVER. This tax is a disgusting swindle and needs to end now!
4. How much money is the Kosher Tax costing gentile consumers?
This isn't well known, as again the tax itself isn't well known, and the media, dominated as it is by Jews, are not eager to investigate this swindle which so benefits their tribe. The Anti-Defamation League has commented that Rabbis are not getting rich over this, and that the amount of money they obtain through Kosher certification is very little. However, the April 5th 2001 online edition of The Detroit News over $150 Billion in food products had a portion of their costs go to the Rabbinical Councils. The total number of products certified to be Kosher was estimated at $165 billion in 2003. It has surely increased greatly since then. Furtheremore, according to the Alburquerque Tribune of July 29th 2002 it is estimated that one dollar for every $30 dollars consumers spend on Kosher certified products go to pay for this certification.
5. Why has NOT ONE POLITICAL LEADER stepped forward and demanded an end to this obvious swindle??
Can you imagine that. Our political leaders don't dare to broach this subject, even during a grinding recession where millions of gentiles are out of work and struggling to put food on the table for their families. Imagine that. What a bunch of cowards and whores we have in this country. What a shameless and awful group of gentile cowards and whores, from both parties.
Here is an excellent video on the Kosher Tax:
And here is the list of Kosher Certification Seals for the USA only:
If you're so inclined then watch the video and examine the evidence provided and make up your own mind.
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