Now, how many churches have skeletons lying around in the basement? Well, this synogogue did. The skeleton had been there for an estimated 30 years... Some unfortunate goyim met their end there, no doubt.
The article in the New York Times is very brief, as was no doubt the NYPD inquiry into the matter....
A Long-Lost Skeleton In a Synagogue Cellar
Published: April 14, 1989
A dark - or, in any case, bizarre -chapter in the otherwise venerable history of the Eldridge Street Synagogue on the Lower East Side was reopened yesterday when a long-lost skull rolled out from a coal-ash pile and struck the foot of a workman. Soon, an entire skeleton was in view. After inspection by a medical examiner, the bones were taken to the Fifth Precinct station house. The official word from the police was that they could not identify the body or determine its sex. It had apparently been in the cellar more than 30 years.
The unoffical word, according to Betty Sandler, administrative director of the Eldridge Street Project, was that ''it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story.''
Workers are excavating the cellar of the 102-year-old synagogue, between Canal and Division Streets, in the first phase of its restoration.
Not the faintest rumor or oldest lore explains the skeleton. Judge Paul P. E. Bookson of Civil Court, who has worshiped at the synagogue for three decades, said he had ''absolutely no information, no inkling'' as to who it might be or how it came to be there.
He said the congregation made a rabbinical inquiry and was told, ''Halakha, the Jewish law, will require that when all the forensics and pathology are completed, the synagogue will be obliged to inter the remains.''
Now, there are 8 points to consider about this NYT newspaper article:
Firstly: why do the police say:
"The official word from the police was that they could not identify the body or determine its sex. It had apparently been in the cellar more than 30 years."
What are they talking about, they cannot determine its sex? They have the fucking skeleton. Of course they can determine its sex. Its only been buried beneath that pile of coal in the synagogues cellar for 30 years. Forensic analysts are able determnine the sex of people's skeletons who have been deceased for a lot longer than 30 years. So why do the police conclude that they're not able to determine the gender of this victim? Did anyone in the NYPD even TRY to determine who this person is? Was the case dropped immediately, as is likely the case?
Secondly: why does this "Betty Sandler" Jewess say: "'it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story." Well, who gives a fuck what kind of story it would make, you effin bitch: why do you think its a girl, when the cops say THEY CANNOT IDENTIFY THE GENDER OF THE SKELETON?? Is Betty Sandler some kind of forensics expert? Or does she have some hidden knowledge about this case?
Thirdly: there may be another reason the Jewess Betty Sandler decided to contradict the police report that they "could not determine its sex," and that is because the skeleton was that of a child. This would explain why the police could not identify the gender of the skeleton, as the skeletons of male and female children are hard to differentiate, as prior to puberty the female pelvic structure is not dissimilar to that of a male child. The Jewess Betty Sandler may have thrown out this nonsense about "''it might be a young girl, in her late teens or early 20's, which would make for an unsavory story,'' to cover for the fact that the skeleton is a child. Yes, no doubt it would make for an unsavory story, Miss Sandler, but it makes for a far less unsavory story than that of a murdered child being found in a synogogue's cellar. This is especially true considering the millenia old accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder, where the gentile child is tortured and exsanguinated, and their blood used for debased Jewish occult ritual practices. This Sandler woman may be trying to "nip this in the bud," by putting out the misinformation that this was an adult woman who's skeleton was found there, and not that of a gentile child murdered by Jews in some unspeakable ritual murder. A murdered woman is unsavory enough, but its not nearly as unsavory as a child's murder, given what we know of the millenia old accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder.
Fourth: the Judge quoted in the story is not only a jew, but he attended this particular synagogue where the skeleton was found!
"Judge Paul P. E. Bookson of Civil Court, who has worshiped at the synagogue for three decades, said he had ''absolutely no information, no inkling'' as to who it might be or how it came to be there."
Is this Judge working on this case? Why does the NYT quote him? If hes working on this case, and he attended this very synogogue for "3 decades" shouldn't he recuse himself due to an obvious conflict of interest? Also, since the body has been in the cellar rotting for 3 decades, isn't it possible that this judge they quote in this article, was actually a member of this synogogue at the very same time that this victim met his or her grisly end? Indeed, isn't it possible that this Judge was in some way involved in the foul murder itself? So, why is this Judge being quoted? He's not likely to be very objective, seeing as how hes both a jew and had attended that very synogogue at the same time as this victims death and buriel beneath a pile of cole in the basement. Of course this Judge is going to say he has no idea how the skeleton got there...LOL.. Unbelievable.
Fifth: checkout the strange wording in this story where they state:
"Not the faintest rumor or oldest lore explains the skeleton."
NOT THE FAINTEST RUMOR OR OLDEST LORE EXPLAINS THE SKELETON??? Isn't that a strange thing to say? There certainly IS an old lore that explains the skeleton: there have been allegations against Jews for commmiting the Ritual Murder of gentile children for millenia. This accusation holds that the Jewish perpetrators of this crime drain the blood of the victim for their ancient and depraved rites. This accusation has been leveled against Jews for thousands of years IN EVERY GENTILE NATION IN WHICH THEY'VE EVER RESIDED. Why would gentiles- who speak different languages and who often hate each other- suddently get together to "make up" these stories of Jews specifically abducting gentile children and exsanguinating them down through the millenia as part of their Jewish occult ritual practices? One possible answer, that we must consider, is that all these different gentile peoples all claim Jews did this unspeakable act of ritual murder, in gentile nation after gentile nation, down through the millenia, because Jews DID DO THAT, again and again and again. That is a possibility we must consider as rational, sober people. To rule it out as "blood libel" against the jewish people, or as mere anti-semetic propaganda, doesn't do the evidence justice.
Sixth: can you imagine the media outcry that would have ensued if a skeleton would have been found by workmen at a Christian church? Can you imagine the media frenzy that would have ensued? Every coked-up network anchorwoman would've been screaming bloody murder from the top of her lungs, and every homosexual and jew anchorman would've been doing the same. Yet here we have a skeleton found by workers at an 102 year old synagogue and the story only warrants a short article buried on the backpages of the NYT. The media's response couldn't have been more subdued.
Seventh: Look at what a small newstory this NYT article is, and yet look at how many questions it raises, and how few answers it provides. This is often the case when Jewish crimes are partially uncovered, the news reporting is often strange, and subdued, and lacking in any real answers. What a strangely worded news article that is. So keep a sharp eye on the news, especially when it touches upon things related to Jews and their ways. The vast majority of the gentile public is hopeless ignorant, and indeed incurably ignorant of the foul deeds being perpetrated by this extremist and shameless minority in our midst. Be a part of the knowledgable 1%, and keep a sharp eye out for those close to you who have the intelligence and the intergrity to handle the truth. There aren't many out there who have both of these traits, however when you locate one, take the chance and wake them up to whats going on.
And lastly: Be warned of Jewish Ritual Murder. Keep your children close and keep an eye on them every moment that you can, lest your child end up a skeleton buried beneath a pile of coal in the basement of a synagogue. And perhaps more cruely, lest the story about your murdered child end up burried deep in the backpages of the NYT.
As always, if you're so inclined, then examine the evidence provided and make up your own mind about it.
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