Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gene Simmons of KISS: "Thats what gentiles are for (to do the dirty work)"

Watch this video, to learn of the hypocrisy so rampant in the Jewish community vis-a-vie the gentile community. Old Gene Simmons of the '70s rock band KISS must need some attention, so he reaches for the sure fire way to get some cameras pointed in his direction in any meaningful way- he drags out his very own sob-story about the Holohoax. Poor Gene, old washed up loser that he is, so sad that he has to reach for that. This is his way of "jumping the shark" at the end of his career. So sad.

As you'll see in the video linked below, he goes on to also give a boilerplate testimonial about tolerance and compassion toward all peoples of the world, to give it a contemporary relevance and a kind of summation to the whole story. Thats the facade he puts up for his gentile audience. But watch this video until the very end, when old man Simmons' real feelings towards gentiles is made known to his son, as his way of passing on his bigorty to the next generation of Jews.

In addition, he speaks about his mother in the video, describing how she had been sent by the Germans to a concentraion camp during the war, and that she had witnessed her family "murdered in front of her eyes." This is of course boilerplate guilt mongering, and its typical fare on TV nowadays. However, interestingly, see below an excerpt from Gene Simons' own autobiography "Kiss and Make Up" on page 19, (Copyright 2001. The Gene Simmons Company). In this book he tells another story about his mother, and that is of his mother attacking a Palestinian woman and beating her perhaps to death in Israel. His mother did this because Gene had stolen some figs from the Palestinian woman's tree and the Palestinian woman had consequently hit Gene with a banana stalk. Gene's mother then sought revenge. Gene explains:
By the time my mother got through with this woman, I was just amazed, because I'd never seen blood literally spray out of a person's head like a sprinkler system. It was just spouting out. It looked almost comical. There was blood everywhere.
Furthermore, in this video, Gene makes the idiotic statement about the Holocaust that "they don't teach it in schools." WTF? Is he nuts?  Has all that grease paint he slathered on his face over the years gone to his brain? What school in this country does not teach this, to the point of excess? Indeed to the point of "crowding out" other topics worthy of study?

How many schools teach about the tens of millions of white Christians murdered by the Soviets? Huh, Gene?  How many schools teach about that? I'd be surprised if one high school in this nation has ever even mentioned this mass murder.

How many schools teach about the Soviet government's orchestrated famine in the Ukraine, which killed millions of Ukrainians? How many schools teach about that, huh Gene?

How many schools teach about the Armenian genocide, Gene, and the 1 to 2 million Armenian Christians murdered by the Turks?  Huh, Gene? How many schools even ever mention that? Huh, oh long tongued freak?

Can you hear me Gene? Or are you deaf from all that shit caveman rock music you've been cranking out all these years, to sell to impressionable young gentile males? The same gentile males you so degrade in front of your own son?

No, Gene, you're wrong. The Holocaust is taught ad nauseum in every school in this nation, and indeed in every school in the West. And not just in the high schools, its taught as early as the elementary school level. The Jews know they have to inculcate the myth into the gentiles from an early age, and they do so fervently. The gentile children can't escape this ridiculous Holohoax horror story no matter where they turn. They watch "educational" programs on it in school, they receive instruction on it in class, they watch entertainment movies from Holywood about this topic again and again and again. They read the Holocaust books in their english classes, such as Night or The Anne Franke Story, and others.

No wonder so few gentile children are able to examine the evidence clearly and with a critical eye, even when presented with evidence that demonstrates how the establishment's Holocaust story is nonsense. So many of them have internatlized an acceptance of the establishment's Holocaust story. To most gentiles in this country, acceptance of the Holocaust is an article of faith, and so cannot be disproven.

Heres the video of Simmons giving his violin strumming teary eyed pseudo-Holohoax story. If you're able to stand it, then again watch it until the end, for the kicker:


Lastly, just for kicks, here's a radio interview Gene gave to NPR's own Terry Gross on her ironically named show "Fresh Air."  The interview goes poorly for Gene, who reveals himself to be a real insecure asshole. Its quite amusing.

However one exchange of note is when he gets angry at Terry, and comments that she has mispronounced his Hebrew name "because she has a "gentile mouth." The idiot Simmon's is apparently not aware that Terry Gross is herself a Jewess, which comes as no surprise that a media person of any prominance in this country is - shock and surprise!- a Jew. Gross quickly corrects Gene and identifies herself as a Jew. What an idiot he is. No wonder his music sucks so bad, turns out that hes not only a hypocrit, but hes a real dunce as well. LOL...

Heres the Simmon's interview on NPR's show "Fresh Air":


As always, if you're so inclined, then examine the information provided and make up your own mind about what a total asshole Gene Simmons is. LOL..


Unfortunately, the media bosses at Jew-tube have removed the video linked and discussed above, but heres a shortened version of the video, one that contains Gene's obnoxious comment:



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