The claim of Ritual Murder has been leveled against the Jews for millenia across Europe and the Mid East, among the dozens of gentile nations the Jewish have inhabited. This accusation bears some odd commonalities over the millenia which strengthen the argument for its validity. For example, gentile nation after gentile nation make the accusation of murder against extremist Jewish cults specifically involving the exsanguination of the gentile child victim. Also, in the cases of male victims, the child is also often found to have been circumcised. Now, this accusation is shared between gentile peoples which have long since hated each other, and bear little love for the other's culture. Yet, despite this, the accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder bear these unusual commonalities. Why is that? Why would gentile peoples, again many of whom hate each other, and most of whom speak different languages, decide to "get together" and spread a rumor with these specific and bizarre claims? One possible answer is that the different gentile peoples of Europe and the Mid East did not conspire together to spread this wild tale, but rather that the wild tale is in fact true. That is to say, that Jews have been found to have conducted debased and despicable acts of ritual murder against innocent gentile children down through the millenia, and that the childrens' blood was exsanguinated, and in the cases of male gentile children, the victim had also been circumcised.
The Jews- always a people with a flair for the dramatic- have coined a phrase for this accusation, and that is "Blood Libel." Indeed, the Jews now even have a secret "slush fund" worth millions of dollars for combating accusations of Jewish Ritual Murder around the world wherever they may arise, regardless of the specifics of the case at hand, and indeed regardless of the guilt or innocence of the Jews so accused.
So what of this accusation of Jewish Ritual Murder? What specific proofs exist regarding this grisly accusation? The Jews advise that these allegations are always groundless, and are the result of "anti-semitism." Well, below are two excellent and lengthy videos on this very topic, and represent an excellent "beginner's course" on this horrific and millenia old phenomenon. Watch the videos, examine the evidence, explore the topic on your own, and decide for yourselves:
Human Sacrifice Among Fanatical Hasidic Cults
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult
In addition, here is an Oprah Winfrey show from 1989 where a Jewess talks about how her family practiced the Jewish Ritual Murder of babies, going back (in her family) to the 1700s.
If you're so inclined, then as previously mentioned, examine the information provided and make up your own mind about it.
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